Photinia serratifolia “Pink Crispy”

I have just bought my fourth variety of Photinia
now I need something pink to put it in i’ere.

I just love Photinia fraseri ‘Red Robin’ and when I had my back garden re-landscaped in 2014, I particularly asked for a ‘Red Robin’, but the landscaper thought fit to plant two entirely different varieties of Photinia which have yet to grow big enough to impress me, but eventually will hopefully be as stunning as my over ten year old ‘Red Robin’ out in the front garden, which provides a good screen for next door’s scruffy looking boat parked in his driveway.

This Photinia is apparently a relatively new addition to the Photinia family called Photinia serratifolia “Pink Crispy” which I bought from a small garden centre in Crick for the bargain price of £9.95. I googled it to find more information about the plant and the cheapest offer of £11.99 was all I could find on line, so I think I did well to get it for that price.

Now where shall I put it?

They say you should only buy a plant when you have a space for it. This plant apparently grows to 175cm x 100cm, so I obviously shouldn’t put it somewhere in the foreground to obscure my vision of the rest of the garden, which means it will have to go at the back somewhere. That is a pity, because it is so pretty and I would like it to be nearer the house, as it will be particularly colourful at this time of year when there is not much in colour around. However, it needs a sunny to half shade position, so at the RHS of the patio in the shade of the south side fence would not be a good idea, although that is where I would like it.


As I always seem to do these days, I will live with it in a pot somewhere near the patio for a year and watch what it does before I make a decision to get it planted in the ground. All I need now is a big empty pot to put it in. Now why didn’t I think of buying one of the cheap pots that were on sale at Crick while I was there?