2015 03 Plant of the Month

March was all about Spring bulbs of course:- Crocuses, Cyclamen, Daffodils, Irises, Snowdrops. However I still had other colour in the garden in the Erysimum, Euphorbia, Heathers, Hebe, Pansies, Primulas and Pulmonaria. Which one of those gave me the most delight? It is hard to say, but choose one I did.

The crocuses hardly came out as they need sun to open up, so they were out of the equasion. I was disappointed with the show of snowdrops. Where had they all gone? Likewise the Primulas hardly did much of a show. It was my own fault that the pansies had never been planted out, or they would have given a good show. So few daffodils had survived from my garden revamp and Cyclamen had been trampled or buried. The heathers in the dog basket were finishing, those in the gravel garden I hardly ever saw. The Hebe flowered a little, but nothing to write home about. Good old Erysimum was in flower, but again, hardly worth giving an award to. I was disappointed in the new Euphorbia, maybe it will be better next year. The irises were beautiful. Next year I must get a whole load more. The new Pulmonaria in the gravel garden I am sure was better last year, but the spotted leafed one under the kitchen window with pink and blue flowers was better than ever before. I never even took a photograph of it, but I remember it well so my March plant of the month award goes to that.

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