Plant of the Month

These are my choices of the main contenders
for my best plant of each month.

I started to do this in May 2015 when I realised how different things were in my garden from a couple of years before, when the dominant plant in my May garden was Clematis Montana. I thought it would be interesting to see which plant added the most value to my garden each month. Of course then I had to work back retrospectively with the assumption that I photographed my most favourite plants.

23.03.2015 View across the garden from the patio

23.03.2015 View across the garden from the patio

March 2015

The photo above looks a bit dull. I’m sure it couldn’t have been as dull as all that. March was all about Spring bulbs of course:- Crocuses, Cyclamen, Daffodils, Irises, Snowdrops. However I still had other colour in the garden in the Erysimum, Euphorbia, Heathers, Hebe, Pansies, Primulas and Pulmonaria. Which one of those gave me the most delight? It is hard to say, but choose one I did.

March 2015 winner is ….

09.04.2015 View along fence of Ribes and Forsythia

09.04.2015 View along fence of Ribes and Forsythia

April 2015

April photo looks a bit brighter. Apparently, from the photos that I took, I didn’t have much to choose from in April as contenders for best plant of the month, but here they are:- Aubretia, Dicentra, Pear Blossom, Phormium, Photinia, Pieris, Pulmonaria, Violas and Violets. Now which one of those would you choose?

April 2015 winner is …..

27.05.15 View across the garden from the patio

27.05.15 View across the garden from the patio

May 2015

Now the colour in my garden is starting to come forward. The main plants to delight me in my gardens during May 2015 were:-  Alliums, Ceanothus, Choisyas, Clematis Dr Ruppel, Clematis Markham’s Pink, Dicentra Spectabilis, Erysimum, Euphorbias, French Lavender, Geraniums, Hebe, Honesty, Lilac, Oregano, Photinias, Pieris, Ribes, Solanum and Violas. They all have their own special charms. Now which one did I choose?

May 2015 winner is …..

20.06.2015 View from upstairs

20.06.2015 View from upstairs

June 2015

Just look at that lot above! Bright colours or what? The main plants to delight me in my gardens during June 2015 were:- Alliums, Campanulas, Ceanothus, Chives, Clematis Jackmanii, Clematis Dr Ruppel, Cistus, Diascia, Eryngium, Erysimum, French Lavender, Fuchsias, GeraniumsHebes, Honeysuckles, Knopfia, Lilies, Loosestrife, Oregano, Petunias, Poppies, Rhododendrons, Sambabus, Sisyrichiums, Solanum, Spirea and Valerian. Oh my! Oh what a choice! How did I choose from all of those?

June 2015 winner is …..



July 2015

The brightness of June garden has subsided a bit but the main plants to delight me in my gardens during July 2015 were:- Alchemilla, Buddleias, Busy Lizzies, Cistus, Diascia,  Eryngium, Geraniums, HebesHydrangeas, Lavender, Lilies, Montbretia, Orchids, Oregano, Perovskia, Petunias, Potentilla, Solanum, Thyme, Valerian and even my pear tree.  All very different, all very lovely. It was so hard to make a choice from all these.

July 2015 winner is …..

WP_20150811_09_16_37_ProAugust 2015

August and already some colours in my garden are starting to fade, however the main plants to delight me in my gardens so far during August 2015 have been:- Buddleas, Busy Lizzies, Choisyas, Eryngiums, Hydrangeas, Honeysuckle, Lavender, Montbretia, Perovskia, Petunias, Potentillas, Sedum, even pears on my pear tree and tomatoes in my greenhouse. Still so many choices still to come. Which will the winner be?

Plant of the Season

It will soon be time for me to think about a plant of the season award. That will be fun! I have several thoughts already. It will be a choice from all of the above and more yet to come. I will decide on it when we get to the end of October.


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