Time for a new garden blog

My garden now needs more attention than usual. With the wet weather things are growing bigger on a daily basis. I no longer can get away with a few minutes dead-heading each day. I need to take my big garden bucket with me and trim off tendrils sprouting from all the climbers around the garden, especially Clematis Montana, both summer and winter Jasmine and the honeysuckle down the right hand side of the garden.

Not only that but the pansies have spread so much that there are a lot of heads I have missed on my daily snip and the Nasturtiums have grown so high I can’t actually see their flowers. A few weeds are popping out in spite of the fact that the borders are densly packed. Trouble is, until they actually grow a bit I cannot tell whether they are weeds or seeds I have sown. But hey, it gets me out in the fresh air, so I don’t know why I am complaining.

It is really my dog that complains. She cannot bear to be separated from me while I am doing these jobs and protests very vocally, so I have to lock her indoors while I do it. I tried letting her come out with me while I did it, but she decided to join in pulling out plants. Not a good idea, as she doesn’t know a plant from a weed.

I cannot fit any more photos on this blog so I need to to clear off some old ones before I take any more, or else start another blog. I decided that would be the better option.

I have called my new blog https://controllingthegarden.wordpress.com/ so if you are following this blog and want to carry on receiving notifications you will need to register to follow the new one.



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